Actual Production History

Actual Production History (APH) is one of the oldest products offered by crop insurance providers in the United States. The APH plan of insurance provides protection against a loss in yield due to nearly all natural disasters.

For most crops, that includes drought, excess moisture, cold and frost, wind, flood, and unavoidable damage from insects and disease. Like Yield Protection (YP), the APH plan of insurance guarantees a yield based on the individual producer’s actual production history. Unlike YP, the available price elections are established by the Risk Management Agency. An indemnity is due when the value of the production to count is less than the liability.

Of the small grain crops, only oats, rye, flax, and buckwheat remain covered under the APH plan of insurance for the current crop year.

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AgriSompo is one of the nation’s largest underwriters of federally-sponsored crop insurance. We’re dedicated to protecting the livelihoods of farmers and ranchers by offering direct and customized agribusiness risk management products through a nation-wide network of exceptional independent crop insurance agents.

For general questions, information regarding agency appointments, or to find an AgriSompo agent in your area, contact us today.