Congratulations, Nick Raffaeli!

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Congratulations, Nick Raffaeli!

Join us in congratulating Nick Raffaeli, Marketing Representative for the Midwest Region, on his recent Silver Circle Award for Customer Service win. He received multiple nominations for this award – his name just kept coming up! His agents are obviously pleased with his customer service style, and we need to know more about what he’s doing right for ASNA. Our communications team recently asked Nick how he maintains such great relationships with his customers. Check out his answers below. 

The people who nominated you for this award mention your professionalism and knowledge, in addition to the great service you provide. Your strong work ethic was also mentioned numerous times. In what ways do you feel you project those values? 

The one thing that I always try to do is treat people as superior to me. I make a determined effort to see all of the agencies in my area often. Seeing them personally makes a difference because it lets them know that you are there to help and that you care. Sometimes there are issues and it never works to let them fester. Instead, I do what I can to help resolve them.

I was raised on a farm that required a lot of hard work. Those values, along with honesty, guide me today. I am not just an 8-5 person. There are limits, but many times I am able to help when I’m needed.


All of your nominators cited your ability to go “above and beyond” to help them with their crop insurance needs. What do they mean by that? In what ways do you strive to outdo basic service?

It is important to always reply to any phone calls and emails to address questions and concerns. This is very important to my agents and therefore I follow up the same day, or the next day at the very latest. If it is a subject that I do not know about, then I do the research or rely on others to help me. Going “above and beyond” cannot be accomplished without the help of others.


What advice would you give to someone just starting out as a marketing representative? What could they learn from your experience and positive results?

Be a great communicator, be professional, and be humble. Every time you walk into an agency there is something different that will require adaptability. They may have issues or concerns, or they may need to know about a product and want you to explain it to a customer. It is very important to treat them with respect, to give a little extra, and be loyal to them.

I would suggest that people new to the business try to learn about all phases of crop insurance. I have served as an adjuster, a claim supervisor, and now a marketing rep. Understanding the big picture will help them to enjoy their job and be more professional with what they do.




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